Technology Domains

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Domain New Renewal 2 Years (New + Renew) 3 Years (New + 2xRenew)
.aero 2 823.60₴ 3 709.97₴ 6 513.78₴ 10 224.17₴
.app 205.72₴ 494.31₴ 700.03₴ 1 194.33₴
.blog 136.05₴ 869.47₴ 1 017.06₴ 1 886.52₴
.bot 2 061.32₴ 2 061.32₴ 4 122.65₴ 6 183.97₴
.cam 73.38₴ 613.45₴ 688.07₴ 1 302.76₴
.camera 308.79₴ 1 718.73₴ 2 035.35₴ 3 761.92₴
.chat 205.72₴ 1 069.00₴ 1 274.72₴ 2 343.73₴
.click 26.80₴ 389.59₴ 416.39₴ 805.98₴
.cloud 82.04₴ 577.17₴ 803.50₴ 1 478.79₴
.codes 164.49₴ 1 790.88₴ 1 955.37₴ 3 746.25₴
.computer 411.85₴ 1 069.00₴ 1 480.86₴ 2 549.86₴
.contact 378.05₴ 378.05₴ 756.09₴ 1 134.14₴
.contractors 205.72₴ 996.86₴ 1 229.37₴ 2 226.23₴
.date 123.27₴ 205.72₴ 328.99₴ 534.71₴
.dev 305.08₴ 440.30₴ 749.91₴ 1 194.74₴
.digital 82.04₴ 1 153.93₴ 1 235.97₴ 2 389.90₴
.direct 411.85₴ 1 069.00₴ 1 480.86₴ 2 549.86₴
.directory 102.65₴ 729.30₴ 831.95₴ 1 561.25₴
.domains 411.85₴ 1 196.39₴ 1 608.25₴ 2 804.64₴
.download 123.27₴ 205.72₴ 328.99₴ 534.71₴
.email 123.27₴ 814.22₴ 978.72₴ 1 792.94₴
.fail 308.79₴ 1 069.00₴ 1 377.79₴ 2 446.79₴
.feedback 418.86₴ 12 738.98₴ 16 573.05₴ 32 733.83₴
.foo 370.63₴ 444.83₴ 889.67₴ 1 334.50₴
.graphics 729.30₴ 729.30₴ 1 458.59₴ 2 187.89₴
.guru 82.04₴ 1 153.93₴ 1 235.97₴ 2 389.90₴
.help 62.66₴ 950.68₴ 1 017.06₴ 1 971.45₴
.host 123.68₴ 1 531.98₴ 2 157.38₴ 3 689.36₴
.hosting 10 306.62₴ 12 780.21₴ 25 519.19₴ 38 299.40₴
.link 164.49₴ 317.44₴ 634.89₴ 952.33₴
.media 226.33₴ 1 196.39₴ 1 422.73₴ 2 619.12₴
.mobi 143.88₴ 950.68₴ 1 094.56₴ 2 045.25₴
.mov 370.63₴ 444.83₴ 889.67₴ 1 334.50₴
.network 123.27₴ 865.76₴ 1 043.44₴ 1 963.62₴
.online 47.82₴ 1 057.87₴ 1 105.69₴ 2 163.57₴
.page 359.91₴ 359.91₴ 719.81₴ 1 079.72₴
.report 205.72₴ 686.83₴ 892.55₴ 1 579.39₴
.review 288.17₴ 370.63₴ 658.80₴ 1 029.43₴
.reviews 164.49₴ 1 030.66₴ 1 870.45₴ 2 967.07₴
.rip 164.49₴ 644.37₴ 808.86₴ 1 453.23₴
.site 47.82₴ 975.42₴ 1 023.24₴ 1 998.66₴
.software 411.85₴ 1 069.00₴ 1 480.86₴ 2 549.86₴
.solar 205.72₴ 1 718.73₴ 1 932.29₴ 3 658.85₴
.space 40.81₴ 856.69₴ 915.23₴ 1 784.69₴
.storage 21 231.64₴ 21 231.64₴ 42 463.28₴ 63 694.92₴
.stream 123.27₴ 123.27₴ 246.53₴ 369.80₴
.support 164.49₴ 771.76₴ 936.25₴ 1 708.01₴
.systems 246.95₴ 899.15₴ 1 153.52₴ 2 060.09₴
.tech 143.88₴ 1 705.95₴ 1 970.63₴ 3 676.58₴
.technology 246.95₴ 856.69₴ 1 103.63₴ 1 960.32₴
.tel 391.65₴ 391.65₴ 783.30₴ 1 174.95₴
.tips 308.79₴ 899.15₴ 1 207.94₴ 2 107.09₴
.tube 542.54₴ 944.91₴ 1 703.48₴ 2 759.29₴
.webcam 288.17₴ 370.63₴ 658.80₴ 1 029.43₴
.website 45.76₴ 480.70₴ 565.63₴ 1 046.33₴
.wiki 71.73₴ 814.22₴ 885.96₴ 1 700.18₴
.win 123.27₴ 205.72₴ 328.99₴ 534.71₴
.zip 370.63₴ 444.83₴ 889.67₴ 1 334.50₴
.онлайн 1 174.95₴ 1 174.95₴ 2 349.91₴ 3 524.86₴
.сайт 1 174.95₴ 1 174.95₴ 2 349.91₴ 3 524.86₴