Media Domains

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Domain New Renewal 2 Years (New + Renew) 3 Years (New + 2xRenew)
.actor 411.85₴ 1 238.86₴ 1 650.71₴ 2 889.56₴
.art 93.17₴ 659.62₴ 906.16₴ 1 647.82₴
.audio 3 709.97₴ 431.64₴ 4 699.82₴ 5 153.31₴
.band 514.92₴ 856.69₴ 1 371.61₴ 2 228.29₴
.blog 136.05₴ 869.47₴ 1 017.06₴ 1 886.52₴
.buzz 40.81₴ 1 081.78₴ 1 136.20₴ 2 217.98₴
.camera 308.79₴ 1 718.73₴ 2 035.35₴ 3 761.92₴
.channel 659.21₴ 906.57₴ 1 565.78₴ 2 472.35₴
.digital 82.04₴ 1 153.93₴ 1 235.97₴ 2 389.90₴
.events 453.08₴ 1 069.00₴ 1 522.08₴ 2 591.08₴
.exposed 584.18₴ 584.18₴ 1 168.36₴ 1 752.54₴
.feedback 418.86₴ 12 738.98₴ 16 573.05₴ 32 733.83₴
.film 3 222.26₴ 3 304.71₴ 6 513.78₴ 9 811.90₴
.gallery 729.30₴ 729.30₴ 1 458.59₴ 2 187.89₴
.live 82.04₴ 899.15₴ 981.19₴ 1 880.34₴
.media 226.33₴ 1 196.39₴ 1 422.73₴ 2 619.12₴
.mov 370.63₴ 444.83₴ 889.67₴ 1 334.50₴
.movie 1 030.25₴ 9 152.28₴ 10 182.94₴ 19 335.22₴
.music 2 473.18₴ 1 593.82₴ 5 153.31₴ 7 833.03₴
.news 308.79₴ 899.15₴ 1 207.94₴ 2 107.09₴
.observer 389.59₴ 402.37₴ 804.74₴ 1 207.11₴
.photo 869.47₴ 869.47₴ 1 738.93₴ 2 608.40₴
.photography 308.79₴ 906.57₴ 1 292.86₴ 2 224.99₴
.photos 308.79₴ 729.30₴ 1 038.08₴ 1 767.38₴
.pics 62.66₴ 860.81₴ 932.13₴ 1 801.60₴
.pictures 205.72₴ 389.59₴ 595.31₴ 984.90₴
.post 10 306.62₴ 10 306.62₴ 20 613.24₴ 30 919.86₴
.press 119.97₴ 1 346.46₴ 1 971.86₴ 3 318.32₴
.radio 11 914.45₴ 11 914.45₴ 23 828.91₴ 35 743.36₴
.review 288.17₴ 370.63₴ 658.80₴ 1 029.43₴
.reviews 164.49₴ 1 030.66₴ 1 870.45₴ 2 967.07₴
.show 288.59₴ 1 196.39₴ 1 567.02₴ 2 763.41₴
.sucks 8 451.43₴ 9 028.60₴ 17 480.03₴ 26 508.63₴
.theater 411.85₴ 1 748.42₴ 2 160.27₴ 3 908.68₴
.theatre 21 231.64₴ 21 231.64₴ 42 463.28₴ 63 694.92₴
.tips 308.79₴ 899.15₴ 1 207.94₴ 2 107.09₴
.today 82.04₴ 771.76₴ 853.80₴ 1 625.56₴
.video 308.79₴ 1 030.25₴ 1 377.79₴ 2 446.79₴