
Country-code top-level domain

5,241,765 Gwei 8,446,847 Gwei

Owner: Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération (A.F.N.I.C.).

Website of Registar

Best Price
3,202,168 Gwei
5,821,594 Gwei
2 Years
9,026,675 Gwei
3 Years
14,851,182 Gwei

List of registars

Registar New Renewal 2 Years (New + Renew) 3 Years (New + 2xRenew)
Domain.com 3,202,168 Gwei 5,824,507 Gwei 9,026,675 Gwei 14,851,182 Gwei
NameCheap 5,238,851 Gwei 5,821,594 Gwei 11,060,445 Gwei 16,882,038 Gwei
101domain 5,241,765 Gwei 8,446,847 Gwei 13,688,612 Gwei 22,135,458 Gwei
Beget 22,144,200 Gwei 31,468,073 Gwei 53,612,273 Gwei 85,080,346 Gwei