
Country-code top-level domain

10,777,815 Gwei 12,817,412 Gwei

Owner: Ministry of Justice, Communications and Foreign Affairs.

Website of Registar

Best Price
7,645,576 Gwei
7,645,576 Gwei
2 Years
15,291,153 Gwei
3 Years
22,936,729 Gwei

List of registars

Registar New Renewal 2 Years (New + Renew) 3 Years (New + 2xRenew)
Porkbun 7,645,576 Gwei 7,645,576 Gwei 15,291,153 Gwei 22,936,729 Gwei
Dynadot 7,648,490 Gwei 7,648,490 Gwei 15,296,980 Gwei 22,945,470 Gwei
Sav.com 7,832,054 Gwei 7,832,054 Gwei 15,664,107 Gwei 23,496,161 Gwei
NameCheap 8,735,304 Gwei 9,318,046 Gwei 18,053,350 Gwei 27,371,396 Gwei
Beget 11,072,100 Gwei 11,072,100 Gwei 22,144,200 Gwei 33,216,299 Gwei
101domain 10,777,815 Gwei 12,817,412 Gwei 23,595,227 Gwei 36,421,381 Gwei
Domain.com 8,738,218 Gwei 14,565,639 Gwei 23,303,856 Gwei 37,878,236 Gwei
Active.Domains 13,612,855 Gwei 13,612,855 Gwei 27,225,711 Gwei 40,791,946 Gwei
REG.RU 19,583,048 Gwei 19,583,048 Gwei 39,043,720 Gwei 58,856,951 Gwei
Masterhost 19,775,353 Gwei 20,151,222 Gwei 39,917,833 Gwei 60,022,436 Gwei