
Generic top-level domain

22,276,398 Gwei 23,042,437 Gwei

Owner: Binky Moon, LLC.

Website of Registar

Best Price
5,741,458 Gwei
18,216,394 Gwei
2 Years
23,957,853 Gwei
3 Years
42,132,115 Gwei

List of registars

Registar New Renewal 2 Years (New + Renew) 3 Years (New + 2xRenew)
Sav.com 5,741,458 Gwei 18,216,394 Gwei 23,957,853 Gwei 42,132,115 Gwei
Porkbun 6,105,326 Gwei 18,335,130 Gwei 24,440,457 Gwei 42,898,153 Gwei
Dynadot 18,764,112 Gwei 18,764,112 Gwei 37,528,224 Gwei 56,303,826 Gwei
Beget 20,300,019 Gwei 20,300,019 Gwei 40,600,038 Gwei 60,900,057 Gwei
NameCheap 22,276,398 Gwei 23,042,437 Gwei 45,196,269 Gwei 68,177,422 Gwei
Masterhost 25,639,307 Gwei 26,443,647 Gwei 52,090,615 Gwei 78,518,941 Gwei
Domain.com 22,594,304 Gwei 29,243,518 Gwei 51,707,595 Gwei 81,200,076 Gwei
101domain 36,574,506 Gwei 39,833,999 Gwei 76,220,826 Gwei 116,054,825 Gwei
REG.RU 31,579,935 Gwei 47,494,384 Gwei 78,901,960 Gwei 126,396,344 Gwei