
Country-code top-level domain

19,956,003 Gwei 25,929,109 Gwei

Owner: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom.

Website of Registar

Best Price
13,400,154 Gwei
13,400,154 Gwei
2 Years
26,800,309 Gwei
3 Years
40,209,204 Gwei

List of registars

Registar New Renewal 2 Years (New + Renew) 3 Years (New + 2xRenew)
Domain.com 13,400,154 Gwei 13,400,154 Gwei 26,800,309 Gwei 40,209,204 Gwei
Beget 14,277,181 Gwei 21,852,828 Gwei 36,130,010 Gwei 57,982,838 Gwei
101domain 19,956,003 Gwei 25,929,109 Gwei 45,745,254 Gwei 71,677,277 Gwei
REG.RU 27,415,102 Gwei 27,418,015 Gwei 54,777,757 Gwei 82,166,635 Gwei